One of the biggest challenges that Gold & Silver investors have had to deal with is an extended recovery with a long bottoming process…
While that has been happening some investors have been wondering whether investing in Gold & Silver has been the right move for their portfolio.
Well, I want to introduce you to someone and something exciting.
I was told to meet this guy at a mastermind I attend with other thought leaders and serendipitously someone on his team reached out to me shortly afterwards.
Now, I was of-course skeptical, yet fascinated, so based on the recommendation I had to speak to him AND the fact that he’s got investors in 40 countries following his strategy, I was excited to see what he was doing.
So anyway, we got on a long call and really discussed our philosophy on investing, our outlook for Gold & Silver and then his strategy.
His name is Minesh Bhindi and his company is Gold And Silver For Life.
After getting off the call, I knew I had to get this out to you in some way, this strategy allows any investor to:
Now, all of this sounded exciting in theory, until he told me that his clients results have been independently verified at those cash-flow ROI’s and his strategy had a 92% success rate with a 100% recommendation rate.
So I asked him to put together some webinars so I could introduce my readers to his strategy.
So he did.
Now, he’s based in the United Kingdom, so he’s going to be running multiple webinars over the next few days.
The webinar is totally free and by the end of it, you’ll have a great idea of how you can also own Gold & Silver and get paid to own the metals while waiting for the wealth transfer and Dollar devaluation we all know is coming…
I think you’ll love the strategy.
The ‘Gold And Silver For Life’ is a Gold & Silver investment offer and has been completely proven with people in the personal development, internet marketing and of course the financial investing.
They have clients from 2010 that are STILL attending those calls today, with no extra charge.
The industry average success rate for an investment program is 3%. Out of 100 people who buy and implement, only 3 are successful for ANY period of time. In an independent survey, not controlled or influenced in any way by Gold And Silver For Life, the researchers found a 92% success rate.
This strategy has been proven profitable and is currently being used by investors in 46 countries every single month.
This program have spent 10 years taking away the complications of investing and made it possible for someone with only 20 minutes a month to manage a safe, secure, internationalised investment, while owning Gold & Silver as income generating assets with a monthly cash-flow of 1%-2.2% per month. They get access to the program via an online learning centre and Weekly Q&A calls.
Yep, That’s Right – This program have a client Q&A call every single Monday at 6pm UK time with Minesh for advice on the market and their positions. It’s recorded and archived if they miss it. Rather than coaches, who have less experience with the strategy than Minesh, they found this weekly Q&A to generate the highest success rate. Gold And Silver For Life clients love this and preach it’s the highest value part of the service. That’s why I know you will love this too.
In a recent survey on clients, 92% of people said they’re getting at-least Gold And Silver For Life’s claimed results.
*Upon review of the 8% they found they were not following the rules and/or were only in the first month of their investing, so the investment hadn’t matured at the time of the survey. When asked if they’d recommend the program to their friends and family, they had a 100% recommendation rate.
If you need assistance with the ‘Gold And Silver For Life’ program or have questions regarding their product, you can contact them with the following email address.
Protects Your Wealth With Gold & Silver, Creates A Monthly Income AND Profits From The Coming Currency Collapse.
Here you’ll get access to the whole program, everything that has been perfected since 2010 and now been tested to profit by clients in 39 countries.
Here you’ll have access to LIVE weekly calls with Minesh where he’ll walk through the market’s movements that week and you can ask him for any guidance and opinion on any position you have, you’ll have access to this for the life of the program at no ongoing cost.
Most of ‘Gold And Silver For Life’ clients say the Weekly Q&A calls are the most valuable and special part of our program (especially those who have been attending weekly since 2010).
This needs to change. That’s why they’re here.

Hi, I’m Minesh Bhindi.
This is my story…
and the lessons I’ve learned.
Over the last decade I’ve been helping people from all sorts of life paths to increase wealth with investing…
I started off in Real Estate, specialising in new build developments and creative financing that resulted in us being able to buy properties with no money down… And in fact get a cash-back on completion…
I believe in managing the risk and the profits will take care of themselves
I don’t make short term bets. I don’t believe in huge diversification, I believe in long term, thought out investments, I believe in managing the risk and the profits will take care of themselves…
I believe in making bold investments and building a thought out portfolio as you go, and it’s served me really well, here’s my public track record of when I started talking about certain investments that people know me for…
2002: Apple Stock
2004: Google Stock
2005: London Real Estate
2007: US Stock Market (The ETF QQQ)
Dec 2010 till present: Gold & Silver
I build long term portfolios, no matter what happens in the short term…
I’ll save the details and thinking behind the investments for another conversation, I just wanted to show you I’m an investor, not a speculator, I think, for a long time, and then take aggressive action…
But, my journey helping investors, started by helping structure deals for investors alongside my father and then purchased my own 3 units in the Canary Wharf area of London, UK…
Here’s a picture of the development on the day we completed…
I actually assisted in selling 18 of the 32 units but after helping other people make enough money and just being paid a fee, I thought it was time to enter a deal myself!
That led to a £68,000 cash back on completion and £250,000 in equity…
I’m sure you know what happened next, I smartly re-invested that and continued growing my portfolio perfectly as expected, right?
Not that fast…
I took a friend and ended up in Monaco the weekend after completion, before the flats were rented, but you can be sure the cash-back had cleared!
And OF-COURSE we needed a Mercedes S Class and a driver for our whole duration there…

Along with Cristal Champagne at every bar we stopped at, or every restaurant we went to and in-fact, it’s Monaco, so you need Cristal Champagne when eating breakfast too…
I literally, lost my mind…
I got back after a 4 day weekend, about half the cash-back gone and I was met with disappointing looks from my Dad and mentors…
After what they call an “intervention” and facing the reality of mortgage payments leaving in 2 weeks with no tenants in the flats, I decided to really focus…
See, one lesson that I’d learned in Monaco that weekend, which I didn’t really tell any one for so long was that the fruits of riches are always abundant…
There will always be enough bottles of Cristal Champagne for those who want them…
There will always be enough Bentley’s for people who want them…
There will always be enough amazing holidays and destinations for people who want them…
That… “stuff“… that people really strive for, is available in droves of abundance, what isn’t available in droves of abundance is enjoyment in the journey and learning the lessons it takes to create that and spending time with the people who really “get” it…
That enjoyment, you must create…
And so I decided to learn, I decided to model and I decided to become what it took to allow all of the material riches of life to flow…
I then regrouped and started learning about the stock market, attended a few seminars but just found that trading wasn’t right for me, I just cannot envision for myself a life of sitting in front of the computer for 12 hours a day watching a green line get higher…
Now, the weekend after getting those properties rented, my Dad took me to a seminar he’d been invited to…
And at this seminar I met the speaker, his name is Mark Anastasi and at the break I went to introduce myself to Mark and he asked what I did and I explained it to him…
And he sort of paused and started asking me questions about investing in Real Estate and shortly after that he shook his head and said “you NEED to be on stage, so many people would benefit from what you’ve done…”
Cutting a long story short, I decided to do that and was very quickly rewarded with people doing what I would say and buying properties, with cash backs so effortlessly it was almost like magic to them…
I remember one client Martin, bought £530,000 worth of property within 2 months of attending one of my trainings, got a £36,000 cash back and treated his wife to 10 years of missed holidays in Florida…
Very cool to see life changing things happening to people…
Real Estate to the Stock Market and now to Gold and Silver…
Since then like I said earlier, I’ve moved from Real Estate to the Stock Market and now to Gold and Silver…
And the goal really has been to “figure out” long term wealth, not short term wealth that you can spend in Monaco over 4 days…
I’m talking, real long term wealth…
I wanted to know how Billionaires manage their wealth, I wanted to know how family offices that manage one families hundreds of Billions of Dollar of wealth works…
I wanted to know what strategies they used…
I wanted to know how they grew their wealth…
How they protected their wealth…
And most importantly, how they kept growing wealthier regardless of economic cycles and changes in the world…
To be honest, I wanted to know this for me, I wanted to know how I could do it for myself and my family…
Along the way, to really fine tune my skill and also to help people I set up companies and trainings to help people do what I was learning and most importantly, DOING…
And now, we’ve crossed paths at one of the most amazing opportunities I’ve ever seen, Gold and Silver…
I want to welcome you and thank you from myself and everyone at Gold And Silver For Life for giving us your time and attention…
My focus with this growing community of investors in over 27 countries now is on safe, long term, protective wealth building…
Everything I teach now is designed from the ground up to be easy to implement, effortless to be consistent at and simple to follow…
If you ever wanted an investment that you can do from anywhere in the world, spend less time than it takes to take the trash out every month to keep profitable and something that protects and grows your wealth better than a standard issue Government Bond…
Then we have it. And you’re in the right place…
We teach people how to not just buy Gold and Silver, which is a solution that’s worked and is easy for most investors thinking of allocating a part of their portfolio in Gold and Silver…
I specialize in helping you do three things:
- Buying a safe, long term booming asset as close to market if not below market value.
- Cash-flowing that asset so its earning you money while your capital is holding it.
- Buying as much of that asset as possible through compounding.
That’s right, on this journey, you are going to learn how we cash-flow Gold and Silver monthly like owning real estate and you are going to learn how to buy it at the same price market makers pay for the metal (not the price regular people pay when buying coins or bars)…
In addition I’m going to share the simple wealth building practices I’ve learned from studying brilliant minds in this space…
I won’t be asking you to take a gamble, I won’t be asking you take a risk, I won’t be asking to do anything I haven’t done…
In-fact, I won’t be asking you to do anything people currently in 27 countries are not already doing…

All the gold markers are different countries we have clients in so far doing, protecting and profiting from what I’m about to teach you…
When you’re ready, take the opportunity that’s in front of you, become part of this growing community, implement the strategies we use if they make sense to you and for your money.
I believe all results come from the moment of decision and that’s why I wanted to take this time to thank you for deciding to read my story and decide to learn about this opportunity and deciding to evaluate whether this is right for you…
But once you’re certain, and the opportunity is available, be sure to act…
What I teach isn’t for everybody, it’s not for those people who need their investment capital liquid in the next 3 months, it’s not for people who won’t listen to the coaching and will allow their emotions to affect their decisions and it’s certainly not for someone with absolutely no capital…
This is a mature investment and a mature long term investment strategy…
Since starting Gold And Silver For Life in 2010 I’ve had the opportunity to speak all over the world and share this strategy…

Share the London 02 Arena stage with Sir Richard Branson and Lord Alan Sugar…
But the most fulfilling part of my life is really connect with investors who are fed up of volatile ups and downs…
Fed up of gambles…
Fed up of taking risks only to find for every step they go forward the market takes them 2 steps back…

Fed up of any fear that the market or other people (advisers, family, friends etc) have put into them about the “risk” of managing their own money…
Investors that know there must be a way.
And showing them the way…
If any of those experiences sound familiar, you’re in the right place.
I’m going to teach you soon regarding something VITAL I learned about the difference between strategy and opportunity…
This one lesson was life changing for me…
If you’ve had any negative experiences with investing, I’m going to teach you which one Billionaires focus on and which one you should be focusing on…
I must admit now, this is not a short term journey, if you decide when the opportunity comes that you want to work with me on this journey, it’s a long journey…
But I’m committed, in-fact for people who are on my “Profit Through Gold And Silver” training program, I do a weekly coaching call that’s been happening since 2010 when I launched Gold And Silver For Life…
This investment strategy is about efficiency and freedom…
It’s designed for those who don’t want their money to control their life, they want a wealth management strategy that works, simply and effortlessly so that they can create the life and impact they want to see in the world…
My only question is, what do you want?
My only question is, what do you want? Once you know that, I can help you find the right solution, even if it means pointing you to another company or investment strategy…
In order to help you identify that, because I went through the same thing, I asked myself 13 specific questions (which you can find in this report I wrote here). Once you answer them, you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt what you want.
Also you should know the very strategies you are learning are also the same strategies we use at my firm, Reverent Capital, which is an investment adviser to funds investing in Gold and Silver and an investment consultant exclusively for High Net Worth Individuals around the world…
My number one concern in the world we’re living in, walking through and creating for ourselves is that the good people won’t have the money they worked hard for when they need it to make the impact they want to make…
A recent study said 3 out of 5 people going into retirement in the next 5-20 years WILL run out of money during retirement…
And I think I have a solution, one that’s simple, efficient and modeled on the most successful investors and wealthy families in the world…
I started this journey thinking “If I can help just one person get on the right track to long term wealth, it would be worth it…”
Now, 27 countries later… I know we have something powerful here.
And I think you’re going to really like it.
It’ll show you how to protect your wealth and insulate yourself from others agendas, decisions and mistakes…
It’ll show you how to grow your wealth (every $10,000 to $139,413 in under 10 years)…
And it’ll show you how to preserve your wealth for generations to come using simple wealth preservation tools and strategies…
And you know the time, the opportunity that we have now with Gold and Silver are such a once in a lifetime opportunity that I’m grateful everyday that I get to wake up and go help people like you profit from this…
Everything I’m going to share with you has allowed me to travel the world, meet the most amazing people, live a life which is a dream to many people and make contributions in peoples lives that are only matched by some in the world.
And by the way, I know it all sounds positive here in this letter, but I’ve got the battle scars of investing too…
In some scenarios I was very lucky to have the capital to stay in the market, otherwise I’d have suffered tremendous losses.
Like for example trying to control $3 million of Silver with just $80,000 on the line with the use of Portfolio Margin…
Yep, a 0.03% down movement on that position would have cleaned that position out…
Or when I did actually lose $100,000 on a similar margin trade on Intel…
Margin definitely comes with it’s risks and sometimes the allure of the potential ROI makes you overlook the risk…
While I personally still use margin now and then, I no longer teach it and actually suggest people not use it, in-fact the fund management projects with Reverent Capital, we don’t use leverage at all…
One thing I definitely learned over this 10 years is that while yes, I can tell you about all the tools available to you and give you all the knowledge of how to use them, if you accidentally pull the trigger while the gun’s at your side, pointed slightly inward to your leg, you’re still going to get hurt…
And there’s no way I can watch you or your account 24/7…
So if I really wanted to see this change, I had to create something that everyone could use, no matter skill, experience or time input…
This obviously led to the very defensive, protective and quite frankly amazing strategy of Gold And Silver For Life over the years…
What’s very exciting to me every single day is that we’ve created a strategy that anyone in the world can use, in any country, follow the simple rules and 99% of the time, get exactly the same results…
Now, I know that the strategy we love and use isn’t for everybody, I’ve even had people tell me “the ROI of 1% to 2.2% per month isn’t that exciting, so I’m stopping”…
Only to come back in 6 months after losing 50% of their accounts while speculating on a Forex or high leverage day trading strategy…
What I want to say is that every single strategy has it’s place, it’s just what is right for you.
But the paradigm that frustrates me the most is how “normal people” like us have to use speculative, highly risky magical strategies while risking all our money…
But the wealthy, oh no, they use safe, long term strategies with minimal risk on the financial model and all the chips weighted on the investment class….
All boats don’t rise in a rising tide if they’ve made us believe that we must have holes in our ships to make the boat less heavy…
That’s just not how it works…
And no matter how attractive it is to sell/be sold those illusions, what I know is that the type of people attracted to our tribe, WE are is responsible for most of the jobs in our global economy, WE are responsible for families, WE are responsible for the direction of the world.
I love the conversations I have with my tribe, the thoughts we inspire, the goals and the aspirations and callings we all have…
There’s not that many people like us, positive, ambitious, still looking to create, still looking to have lots of fun and still know that they have a deep purpose…
And I’m here for that tribe.
I’ve done all the “ego driven” things that anyone in this business might want to do, speaking on stage with Sir Richard Branson at the 02 arena, or Steve Wozniak in the USA, traveling around the world to speak, all the luxury travel, speaking on stages of a thousand plus people, Bought the dream car, had the dream holidays, proven everything I wanted to prove to the people I wanted to prove it to…
If we’re just meeting, I want you to know you’re meeting me at the best I’ve ever been. And you’re going to get the best I’ve ever created.
We’re not perfect all the time and we’re constantly improving, but what I do know is that for the right person, this tribe is next to none…
Talk Soon,
Minesh Bhindi
Wealth Manager
Gold And Silver For Life LLC
Are you on Facebook? Click Here To Follow Minesh now
Gary P Brinson, L. Randolph Hood and Gilbert L Beebower conducted a decade long study with one question in mind:
And their findings were so profound, they’ve become investment industry fundamentals:
We live in a world where taking high risks, leveraging all your money, following the next excitingly pitched opportunity and living in a constant state of “hope” with your wealth loses more money than it creates.
From my journey, I know now that Wealth exclusively equals the power to create. I can’t tell you how to use that power, but I know we can help you keep it in economic cycles as these where the vultures are circling.
We believe the policy stance of those in charge has been made clear, not since 2008, but since 1971. The Keynesian economics that run our wealth and future have one policy: Inflate. While this is good for creating the illusion of wealth, it’s always the correction that creates more wealth for those few prepared individuals.
A simple rule in investing is that if you lose 50% of your fund, you now have to make 100% just to get back to break even. We like to focus on strategies that won’t cause you to lose a large chunk of your fund just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Most investors lose not because of their silly mistakes, but because they don’t secure their wealth so that they can stay in the market long enough.
People are living longer, health is getting better and we’re optimists for the future. The problem is most people don’t have a plan to continue maintaining their standard of living in retirement and our objective is to help people have the peace of mind that comes with retiring without running out of money.
After investing moving to investing in Gold & Silver in 2009, Minesh set off to see if he could create an investment strategy that worked like an appliance, one that you effectively plug in and it works, through Gold And Silver For Life we share that strategy and have now proven the concept with clients worldwide.
Isabel has worked with Minesh since before Gold And Silver For Life and not only did she see the inception, she’s also spoken to every single client we’ve ever had. She’s the gateway, if someone wants to work with us, they speak to Isabel first.
After 5 years of PR & Business Development Experience Rakhee found herself wanting to invest her money, after Minesh showed her how to create a simple Gold & Silver savings account, she became passionate about the strategy and decided to come on-board and create partnerships to share the message.
After using the strategy for 2 years and successful achieving a higher than marketed ROI, Deep joined the team as our Client Success Coach and works with every single client to make sure they get the most important thing, results.
= the purchasing power of $1 from just 44 years ago.
= the heart of Central Bank monetary policy worldwide.
= will run out of money in retirement according to a study by Ernst & Young.
= global debt, excluding unfunded liabilities. It will never be paid back and inflating is the only solution. It’s no longer just a USA problem, which holds $18 Trillion of debt. More debt, more currency in circulation, more currency devaluation equals less paper money value & higher Gold & Silver prices.
= On average every 38 years all Paper Money systems designed to replace Gold as “Money” lose value fast and die away, this cycle dates back to before the USA was “the USA”. The current form of the US Dollar has now been around for 44 years.
= true inflation adjusted high of Gold from the last time Gold boomed to $850/oz on January 21st 1980. This is using 1980’s inflation calculation formula which doesn’t hide real inflation like today’s. We haven’t even scratched the surface of the price potential. Using the same calculations, Silver’s true inflation adjusted high is $568/oz.
Irresponsible economics of Central Bankers has made the protection of purchasing power the most important goal for anyone desiring an abundant future.
Dear Reader,
I want to take a moment to introduce myself, my company and give you an insight into us.
My name is Minesh Bhindi and over the last 10 years I’ve been helping people with all sorts of different reasons to make money with investing…
I started off in Real Estate, specialising in new build developments and creative financing that resulted in us being able to buy properties with no money down… And in fact get a cash-back on completion…
I’ll save the details for another time, but I started by helping structure deals for investors alongside my father and then purchased my own 3 units in the Canary Wharf area of London, UK…
Here’s a picture of the development on the day we completed…
I actually assisted in selling 18 of the 32 units but after helping other people make enough money and just being paid a fee, I thought it was time to enter a deal myself!
That led to a £68,000 cash back on completion and £250,000 in equity…
I’m sure you know what happened next, I smartly re-invested that and continued growing my portfolio perfectly as expected, right?
Not that fast…
I took a friend and ended up in Monaco the weekend after completion, before the flats were rented, but you can be sure the cash-back had cleared!
And OF-COURSE we needed a Mercedes S Class and a driver for our whole duration there…
Along with Cristal Champagne at every bar we stopped at, or every restaurant we went to and in-fact, it’s Monaco, so you need Cristal Champagne when eating breakfast too…
I literally, lost my mind…
I got back after a 4 day weekend, about half the cash-back gone and I was met with disappointing looks from my Dad and mentors…
After what they call an “intervention” and facing the reality of mortgage payments leaving in 2 weeks with no tenants in the flats, I decided to really focus…
See, one lesson that I’d learned in Monaco that weekend, which I didn’t really tell any one for so long was that the fruits of riches are always abundant…
There will always be enough bottles of Cristal Champagne for those who want them…
There will always be enough Bentley’s for people who want them…
There will always be enough amazing holidays and destinations for people who want them…
That… “stuff”… that people really strive for, is available in droves of abundance, what isn’t available in droves of abundance is enjoyment in the journey and learning the lessons it takes to create that and spending time with the people who really “get” it…
That enjoyment, you must create…
And so I decided to learn, I decided to model and I decided to become what it took to allow all of the material riches of life to flow…
I then regrouped and started learning about the stock market, attended a couple seminars but just found that trading wasn’t right for me, I just cannot envision for myself a life of sitting in front of the computer for 12 hours a day watching a green line get higher…
Now, the weekend after getting those properties rented, my Dad took me to a seminar he’d been invited to…
And at this seminar I met the speaker, his name is Mark Anastasi and at the break I went to introduce myself to Mark and he asked what I did and I explained it to him…
And he sort of paused and started asking me questions about investing in Real Estate and shortly after that he shook his head and said “you NEED to be on stage, so many people would benefit from what you’ve done…”
Cutting a long story short, I decided to do that and was very quickly rewarded with people doing what I would say and buying properties, with cash backs so effortlessly it was almost like magic to them…
I remember one client Martin, bought £530,000 worth of property within 2 months of attending one of my trainings, got a £36,000 cash back and treated his wife to 10 years of missed holidays in Florida…
Very cool to see life changing things happening to people…
Since then like I said earlier, I’ve moved from Real Estate to the Stock Market and now to Gold and Silver…
And the goal really has been to “figure out” long term wealth, not short term wealth that you can spend in Monaco over 4 days…
I’m talking, real long term wealth…
I wanted to know how Billionaires manage their wealth, I wanted to know how family offices that manage one families hundreds of Billions of Dollar of wealth works…
I wanted to know what strategies they used…
I wanted to know how they grew their wealth…
How they protected their wealth…
And most importantly, how they kept growing wealthier regardless of economic cycles and changes in the world…
To be honest, I wanted to know this for me, I wanted to know how I could do it for myself and my family…
Along the way, to really fine tune my skill and also to help people I set up companies and trainings to help people do what I was learning and most importantly, DOING…
And now, we’ve crossed paths at one of the most amazing opportunities I’ve ever seen, Gold and Silver…
I want to welcome you and thank you from myself and everyone at Gold And Silver For Life for giving us your time and attention…
My focus with this growing community of investors in over 25 countries, now is on safe, long term, protective wealth building…
Everything I teach now is designed from the ground up to be easy to implement, effortless to be consistent at and simple to follow…
If you ever wanted an investment that you can do from anywhere in the world, spend less time than it takes to take the trash out every month to keep profitable and something that protects and grows your wealth better than a standard issue Government Bond…
Then we have it. And you’re in the right place…
We teach people how to not just buy Gold and Silver, which is a solution that’s worked and is easy for most investors thinking of allocating a part of their portfolio in Gold and Silver…
I specialise in helping you do three things:
1. Buying a safe, long term booming asset as close to market if not below market value.
2. Cash-flowing that asset so its earning you money while your capital is holding it.
3. Buying as much of that asset as possible through compounding.
I call this my Wealth Triangle Philosophy.
That’s right, on this journey, you are going to learn how we cash-flow Gold and Silver monthly like owning real estate and you are going to learn how to buy it at the same price market makers pay for the metal (not the price regular people pay when buying coins or bars)…
In addition I’m going to share the simple wealth building practices I’ve learned from studying brilliant minds in this space…
While you’re getting comfortable with us this report will bring you right up to speed in regards to the Gold and Silver opportunity…
That’s totally free and I think you’ll benefit a lot from just understanding WHY so many of the wealthiest families, banks and Central Banks are hoarding Gold and Silver right now…
But I do want to emphasise here, this IS a business and at some point, when you’re ready to start I’m going to ask you to take action and become a client.
That day is not today.
When I ask you to do this, I won’t be asking you to take a gamble, I won’t be asking you take a risk, I won’t be asking to do anything I haven’t done…
In-fact, I won’t be asking you to do anything people currently in 25 countries are not already doing…
I’ll be asking you to join us, to take the opportunity that’s in front of you, become part of this growing community, implement the strategies we use if they make sense to you and your money and most importantly, I’ll be asking you to decide.
I believe all results come from the moment of decision and that’s why I wanted to take this time to thank you for deciding to register for the webinar and deciding to learn about this opportunity and deciding to evaluate whether this is right for you…
But once you’re certain, and the opportunity is available, be sure to act.
Just like Michael Jordan’s ball steal at the end of the 1998 NBA finals game against Utah. If you remember, 17 seconds on the clock, Michael stole the ball, and with 6.6 seconds left on the clock shot a basked that won the game and led the Chicago Bulls to winning the Finals without going to Game 7.
Action. Is what separates the people that profit, from those who don’t.
What I teach isn’t for everybody, it’s not for those people who need their investment capital in the next 3 months, it’s not for people who won’t listen to the coaching and will allow their emotions to affect their decisions and it’s certainly not for people with absolutely no money…
This is a mature investment strategy.
It requires you have at-least $5,000 to test, experiment and learn with the strategy…
It requires you to understand the long term opportunity in Gold and Silver…
And above all, it requires that you stick with it…
When you can comfortably accept what I’ve said, this investment strategy will yield results for you like nothing else…
Whether you’re looking to enhance how to take advantage of the Gold and Silver opportunity, investing for retirement or just looking for the smartest place to put your money…
You respect the strategy and the strategy will respect your desires and be profitable for you…
Since starting Gold And Silver For Life in 2010 I’ve had the opportunity to speak all over the world…
And even share the London 02 Arena stage with Sir Richard Branson…

On top of everything, really connect with investors who are fed up of volatile ups and downs…
Fed up of gambles…
Fed up of taking risks only to find for every step they go forward the market takes them 2 steps back…
Fed up of any fear that the market or other people (advisors, family, friends etc) have put into them about the “risk” of managing their own money…
Investors that know there must be a way.
If any of those experiences sound familiar, you’re in the right place.
I’m going to teach you soon regarding something VITAL I learned about the difference between strategy and opportunity…
This one lesson was life changing for me…
If you’ve had any negative experiences with investing, I’m going to teach you which one Billionaires focus on and which one you should be focusing on…
I must admit now, this is not a short term journey, if you decide when the opportunity comes that you want to work with me on this journey, it’s a long journey…
But I’m committed, in-fact for people who are on my “Profit Through Gold And Silver” training program, currently used by investors in 25 countries… we have a weekly coaching call that’s been happening since 2010 when I launched Gold And Silver For Life…
Every single week, you get to be on the phone with me and there’s no extra charge… Ever.
I’m not saying any of this to impress you, or sell you, to be honest you don’t know enough about what I teach yet to evaluate it properly, that’ll come in the emails to follow and the workshop you’ve registered for…
I’m telling you all of this to introduce you to myself, introduce you to my journey and introduce you to my company…
And let you know what problems we solve and who we solve them for…
You’ve got to decide whether this opportunity and this method of investing are right for you…
Because, they’re not right for everyone, some people love an immersive day to day experience, this is not that, this will take you 6-12 hours to learn, then maybe 30 minutes a week for the next month and then when it becomes auto-pilot within the next 3-4 months, you’re looking at 20 minutes a month…
This investment strategy is about efficiency and freedom…
It’s designed for those who don’t want their money to control their life, they want a wealth management strategy that works, simply and effortlessly so that they can create the life and impact they want to see in the world…
My only question is, what do you want?
Once you know that, I can help you find the right solution, even if it means pointing you to another company or investment strategy…
In order to help you identify that, because I went through the same thing, I asked myself 13 specific questions, which you can find at the end of this report. Once you answer them, you’ll know beyond a shadow of a doubt what you want.

Also you should know the very strategies you are learning are also the same strategies we use at my firm, Reverent Capital, which is an investment advisor to funds investing in Gold and Silver and an investment consultant limited to High Net Worth Individuals around the world.
For now, I just wanted to welcome you, thank you and tell you how excited I am to be on this journey with you!
Everything I’m going to share with you has allowed me to travel the world, meet the most amazing people, live a life which is a dream to many people and make contributions in peoples lives that are only matched by some in the world…
I am so grateful for this opportunity and I promise to treat your time and your money with reverence.
Speak to you on the workshop!
Minesh Bhindi
Gold And Silver For Life LLC
Section 1:
Why Buy Gold and Silver?
Have you wondered why all the worlds wealthy, elite, countries and smartest central banks are buying up Gold & Silver faster than it can be produced?
Have you been seeing more and more news on Gold & Silver like I have?
Have you started feeling the uncertainty in the world today in all areas that actually matter to the safety and profitability of your future?
Like politics, like banking, like central banks…
All of these little uncomfortable shifts that seem to have accelerated since the 08/09 recession are very unsettling if you’re using the same strategy for protecting your wealth that you were before that…
In-fact it sort of feels like we’re being given a chance before something major comes along and shocks the system to the point where we can’t “print our way out of it”…
Don’t you think?
I mean, isn’t it funny that we had a debt crisis and the debt has almost doubled since then?
Isn’t it funny that the US stock markets seem to keep going up and up even though real economics that we see with our eyes shows us that things aren’t really getting better?
Isn’t it funny that the Government tells us they have a “control” over inflation, yet our real world prices that affect us keep going up every year?
Isn’t it funny that we get told real estate is doing really great but prices stop going up as soon as cash rich hedge funds stop buying? As reported by CNBC not so long ago?
It tells me that either I’m wrong, or there’s been a huge can kicked down the road and this this is one of the biggest transfers of assets the world has ever seen…
And we need to do something about it, not only to take advantage and strategically profit from the situation, but we need to also do it to protect our current wealth…
If that’s how you feel too, you’ve already started looking at Gold & Silver to hold your wealth.
If you haven’t, then you really need to pay attention to what I’m about to reveal to you.
Because everything that felt uneasy in all the questions I’ve just asked you, I felt that in 2009, and my journey since to understand what’s been going on and how to strategically profit from it…
Has been eye opening…
And let me straight into the arms of Gold & Silver…
You know in times like this there are so many ways to make money, it’s really unbelievable, as long as you bet against Government and paper cash money, you’ll be ahead in the long run…
Remember, more millionaires were made during the depression than any other time in history…
So as-long as you’re outside what I call the “Cash-Matrix” (more on what that is later), you’ll be fine…
But if you strategically want to grow your wealth in a short period of time and want to do that with people that think the same as you and feel the same as you…
Then let me tell you a 4 KEY REASONS why you should buy Gold & Silver right now:
Reason Number 1: Protect Your Purchasing Power, Secure The Value Of Your Money
We live in a monetary system that’s been backed by nothing tangible since 1971. When President Nixon took the US Dollar off the Gold Standard, we’ve been inflating currency at an uncontrollable rate since then.
The history of money is very interesting and provides great insight into the future. It started with people were trading and transacting in Gold, Banks decided to print “Notes” which represented the amount of Gold a person had to make the transactions easier rather than carrying Gold with you. This meant that if you handed someone a $10 note, they could go to the bank and redeem $10 in Gold. Very simple.
Then we instituted what’s known as the Fractional Reserve model. This is where to increase abundance, increase quality of life and increase the growth of an economy, the banks were allowed to hand out 10x more than the amount of Gold they held in notes. So if they held $1,000 in Gold, they could circulate $10,000 in notes. Very stable, very consistent money supply with low chance of major inflation because you had to deposit real tangible Gold in the vault before “printing” more notes.
This was the system up until 1971, by now the US Dollar had become the worlds reserve currency too, so everyone else’s currencies were valued against US Dollars, seeing as the US Dollar was very stable and there were no ways to inflate past a minimum tangible Gold holding.
Well in 1971 that all changed when President Nixon took the US Dollar off the Gold Standard and said that banks could print money based not on Gold in the vault, but more US Dollars in the bank.
This started the phase of an intense expansion in money supply and today a 1971 $1 is worth about $0.03 in real value. All this wealth has been inflated away and stolen through this process.
There has been a very real assassination of the middle class through financial control.
Remember, paper is just paper, the only reason it was printed was to represent the amount of real currency, Gold, people held in the bank.
What we have now is a diminishing Gold supply in the US Federal Reserve, and an exponentially increasing money supply. This means that the amount of real tangible assets backing the current $17 trillion of US debt is virtually nothing but a promise and the US war machine.
At the time of the 08/09 crash, the backing of US Dollars in Gold had diminished from 10% (stable and safe) to a measly 0.76%. And the debt has doubled since then. Covering the current money supply of $17 trillion with Gold at a reasonable rate would mean that the US would have to revalue Gold to over $40,000 per ounce (it’s currently $1,226.90 as of 24th September 2014), I find that number unrealistic personally due to cycle of how this process happens, but a 400-500% increase should not be out ruled. The opportunity for you is huge right now.
Any currency strictly expanded from paper reserves with no tangible asset backing it is known as a “Fiat Currency”, and Fiat Currency’s typical have a life cycle of 40 years as history has shown us (yes this isn’t the first time this has happened), we’re currently in our 44th year of the current US Dollar.
As this currency like every single other one before it, comes to an end there will be a return to Gold as the base for Money in some form and there will be a huge wealth transfer from those currently experiencing wealth as the form of debt, to real wealth held in the hands of precious metals holders.
This happens every time and this time will be no different. The opportunity every time for the few is to step out of the Cash Matrix… This is why there were more Millionaires created during the Great Depression than any other period in history. And if you get this right, your financial future is abundant, prosperous and financially secure beyond imagination. And all the wealthy in the world are rushing to be ahead of this curve. You should be too…
Now, let’s talk about…
Reason Number 2: Step Out Of The “Cash-Matrix”
Look, If you hold wealth in paper money, USD, GBP, EURO’s etc, you’re currently living inside what I call the “Cash-Matrix”.
While your wealth is inside the banking financial system it can be manipulated through whats called quantitative easing, a complicated economists term for “printing more money”. As more money is printed, the value of each Dollar decreases. Just like simple supply and demand, as there is more supply of Dollars with no increase in demand of Dollars, the value of the item increasing in supply goes down. Same thing happens with your Dollars, this is known as Inflation.
It’s as simple as if there was only a monthly demand for 1,000 iPhones and Apple decided to in Month 1 produce 1,000 iPhones, a “fair value” would be set in the market, everyone gets an iPhone…
In Month 2, Apple produce 10,000 iPhones, suddenly there’s 10 iPhones per person wanting it, the value of iPhones in our eyes goes down and so the price of the iPhone would come down.
The problem with this is that just like Apple is control of making iPhones, the Federal Reserve is in charge of making Dollars. You have no control over when the print button is pressed or how much is printed or anything. They just print, boost the supply and reduce the value of each Dollar you hold.
No wealthy person subjects their money to this in the long term. They step out of the Cash-Matrix by making strategic investments to not only make money but protect yourself from future banking system failures…
If you’re clear with that, let’s talk about:
Reason Number 3: Banking System Failures
As we saw in Cyprus in 2012-2013, the banking system couldn’t hold itself up and there was what is now known as a “Bail-In”. This is where depositors in certain Cyprus banks who held over the insured amount of €100,000 in the bank had 47% of whatever was over €100,000, taken.
And the crime? Trusting their money in a bank.
Don’t think this can happen in the USA? Remember, at the core of the banking system, as a depositor, you’re just an unsecured lender to the bank. Please go do some independent research on this as it is a very scary prospect for most people. The Bank of England.
Did you know that the FDIC, the USA’s deposit protection insurance scheme by law is only required to hold 1.5% of total deposits as insurance? And in the UK, the equivalent being the FSCS holds a reserve of just 0.4% to protect depositors with. Which in essence means, even just one collapse of a not-so-big bank could wipe out all the insurance and collapse the insurance scheme altogether.
In-fact in the FDIC and Bank of England Joint Paper Summary which in essence is the “what do we do in the next crisis plan”, it’s clearly stated that in the event of an 08/09 banking system problem the plan is to “assign losses to shareholders and unsecured creditors” (quote from the Join Paper Summary). Cyprus was just a blueprint.
The good news is, the wealth always make money and if you read the patterns, there’s LOTS of money to be made…
If you understand that, let’s talk about:
Reason Number 4: There’s LOTS Of Money To Be Made
As the US Dollar, backed by nothing but printed paper, loses confidence, loses trust and loses trading power worldwide, the wealthy and smart are accumulating Gold. All the big hedge fund managers, all the big countries (including the USA) and all the upper Elite of society are moving out of paper money and into the “Currency of Kings”, Gold.
As the faith in the US Dollar, known as “Fiat Money” which is Money backed by nothing but a promise of the value printed on the note, goes down – people will rush to Gold & Silver which has been the core of sustainable Money for hundreds of years.
In-fact many countries like China and Russia have set up trade agreements where they’ve circumvented the US Dollar and are trading in Gold.
More interestingly, the State of Utah has legalised Gold & Silver has a currency and legal tender, so it’s happening inside the USA now and this is just going to accelerate.
As this all is happening, the US Federal Reserve will continue printing money, continue funding bad banking operations and continue inflating the currency.
As more and more and more money is printed, more and more money is being put into Gold & Silver from around the world and as you know, when you increase the demand of something (Gold), without the ability to increase the supply of it infinitely, the price is going up up and up!
And those that foresee this, and those that plan for this and those that take advantage of this, will be part of one of the greatest transfers of wealth ever seen in our lifetime.
So by investing in Gold & Silver, you’re stepping outside the Cash-Matrix and taking back control over the value of your money by stepping out of this paper money system backed by nothing tangible.
You’re protecting yourself and your family from irresponsible bankers and risky banking policies AND on top of all of that added protection to your wealth, you’re going to make lots and lots of money as this re-adjustment happens to currency in response to high levels of debt and a rush to “real money”…
Reason Number 5: We Haven’t Even Hit Previous Inflation Adjusted Highs
I want to highlight a few technical reasons why you should be so excited about this opportunity right now…
Above all the hysteria and what we’ve looked at there’s a fundamental reason you want to be buying Gold and Silver right now…
And that’s because of a fundamental trait of a bull market…
The bull market doesn’t end until the previous inflation adjusted high has been broken…
Besides all the cash flow opportunities, besides the massive debt compared to when the last highs happened, besides the international size of this problem now compared to a limited Western problem in the past…
Besides all the factors already set to surge Gold and Silver prices…
Let’s just go back to the BASICS…
We haven’t beaten the inflation adjusted high yet!
The analysts over at Casey Research did a great research piece into this as more and more TV personalities and people with agendas in the media started sating that the metals matched their previous highs…
The data was amazing…
It’s a bit technical but I’m going to break it down for you…
See if we took a normal inflation calculator like I’ve shared with you in the past and calculated the $850 high from 1980 for Gold, to beat the inflation adjusted high, Gold would need to hit $2,421 an ounce in 2015 dollars…
So looking at this from the outset we can see that the the 2011 peak of $1,921 missed the inflation adjusted previous high by 26%!
But, and this is where it gets interesting, this logic is flawed.
By using the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator, we’re not taking into account the many times the US has changed the way it calculates inflation since the 1980’s!
Deception everywhere!
So, they got Shadow Stats, the worlds leading authority on phony government statistics to calculate the current inflation adjusted high of Gold, based on the same way inflation was calculated in the 1980’s…
Here’s the monthly average price chart:

This shows, that using the original 1980’s inflation formula, the monthly average price of Gold should be $8,598 in 2014.
And in-fact, using the exact $850 high of January 21st 1980, which isn’t shown on the chart, the price should be around $10,823.70 per ounce today…
So, not only does the modern method of calculating inflation show that we missed the inflation adjusted 1980 high by 26%…
But a more accurate inflation formula shows that we didn’t even get CLOSE…
The current method of calculating inflation grossly dilutes exactly how much inflation has happened over the last 4 decades…
And Silver is even better news for us!
In 2011, Silver hit $48.70…
Using the modern Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation calculator for it’s 1980 high of $50…
Silver would need to hit $142.43 an ounce to even HIT the previous inflation adjusted high…
And what about if we used the Shadow Stats method of calculating the 1980’s inflation?
Silver would need to hit $568 an ounce to meet the previous inflation adjusted high…
There is so much opportunity right now just in Gold and Silver that you could create 2 or 3 retirement funds with your capital today…
Prove it to yourself, go check the prices today:
You’ll see the prices right at the top of the pages in the middle…
The other thing is, the world is totally different today, last time Gold and Silver peaked…
It was mainly just the West involved…
Wealth hadn’t spread across the world…
China was nothing…
India was nothing…
Now they’re the biggest Gold consumers in the world…
Money hadn’t been printed…
Debt was not out of control…
Productivity was rising…
The stock market was not dependent on printed money…
Earnings per share was a real number you could rely on…
Debt and leverage on the average person was nowhere near where we are right now…
Banks didn’t have the world in a strangle hold…
The economy was manageable…
We’re now, in a GLOBAL Phenomenon
And this time, when Gold and Silver go up, everyone in the world will want some…
And those that got this information and took action will profit beyond their wildest dreams…
If you manage to do it really right, you’ll be generating a monthly cash flow on the Gold and Silver you own…
Which means, your profit is going to be exponentially higher with our Profit Through Gold And Silver program…
That’s why I’m SO excited about this opportunity in our lives!
Can you feel all the dots in the world aligning for you right now to make more money?
It just feels like everything is aligning at the right time worldwide, and now you have this information too, it’s all happening, waiting for you to profit…
But – there’s a right and wrong way to take advantage of this scenario.
And I want to make sure you do it the right way, so next, I’m going to show you the many different ways to buy Gold & Silver and bring to the forefront all the key numbers you need to be aware of to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of in the market.
Continue to Section 2 when you’re ready.
Section 2:
The Simplest Ways To Buy Gold And Silver Worldwide
Now, I want to show you the most effective ways to go and buy Gold & Silver, so that…
1. You profit the most.
2. You don’t get ripped off.
1. Buy Gold & Silver Bars & Coins
This is a great way for anyone to do this, it’s simple and effective enough to store wealth. You can use local dealers, you can use online websites to buy your Gold & Silver and they’ll ship it to you. The only thing you have to worry about is making sure that you’re paying fair value for the Gold & Silver. With bars and coins, you’re generally paying a small premium to the real Gold & Silver price. To see how much of a premium, anytime you want to buy Gold & Silver, go to and look on the left hand side for the “Live Spot Gold”, this gives you the live market price for Gold & Silver. The “spot” price is the purest price of Gold & Silver you’re going to pay.
With coins & bars, you’re probably paying 10%-20% above the purest market price, this is due to manufacturing costs, shipping costs, handling costs and of-course, profit for the dealer.
Now, what you have to watch out for here is that buying physical coins and bars means that you might be paying 10% above market value, but if you want to sell it, you’ll be selling it for 5% less than market value.
The other problem here is that you’re responsible for storage and safety, just don’t go bragging you’ve got $100,000 of Gold sitting at home when you’re out in public!
This means you hand over $100 and you’re getting $80-$90 of real Gold and Silver value.
2. Buy Collectible Coins
This is where dealers print a popular picture on a Gold or Silver coin, produce a limited supply and you purchase this “limited edition” coin.
If you do it this way you’ll generally be paying up to a 50% premium on the true Gold & Silver value.
This means that you hand over $100, and you’ll be getting $50 in real Gold and Silver value.
3. Acquire Through Gold & Silver Network Marketing Companies
This has become popular recently and is sold as a “Gold and Silver Savings Plan” where you simply sign up to spend $50 a month and you’ll get a coin every single month for that $50.
In my research I found that the premiums on these type of schemes is up to 66% on the true value of Gold and Silver.
This means you hand over $100, and you’re getting $34 of real Gold and Silver in return.
This is single-handedly my least favourite way to invest in Gold and Silver.
4. Popular Gold and Silver Storage Services
This is where you can use companies like Gold Money and Bullion Vault to buy Gold and Silver and they store it for you in very safe vaults around the world in different jurisdictions.
The clear advantages of doing it this way is that your money is safe, it’s stored in Gold and Silver, it is held for you in guarded vaults and on top of everything…
Your premium is somewhere between 0.05% – 1%. Which means using this method you hand over $100 and you’ll receive $99 in real Gold and Silver value.
The obvious disadvantage here is that you don’t have the Gold and Silver in possession, so if that’s a priority, then seek an alternative option.
I’m personally not too worried about that and love the ease, flexibility and safety of using Gold Money and BullionVault.
This is my 2nd favourite way of buying and holding Gold and Silver.
Finding this pretty easy right?
Well, if you found that easy, next, I’m going to let you in on the 3 fundamental core concepts you need to understand to be able to really profit with Gold & Silver AND what the key risks are with Gold & Silver.
Continue to Section 3 when you’re ready.
Section 3:
The Risk Of Buying Gold And Silver
In this section, I’m going to warn you of 3 major risks with Gold and Silver, how to avoid them and 3 mandatory mindset shifts you need to make if you’ve never invested in Gold and Silver.
Just like with any route for creating wealth, there’s principles of this route that may or may not be suitable for some people.
In my study now of wealth building and for the last 9 years of helping people invest and since December of 2010 helping people focus in on Gold and Silver there’s a few things I’ve learned about how to make this really “work” effortlessly.
Key Mindset Shifts:
1. Long Term Mindset
You’ve got to understand that asset cycles are much more different to business opportunities. Markets work on psychology and big markets like Gold & Silver work on the psychology of the world, so unlike a business environment, where you’re in control of what message gets put in-front of what audience and have the ability to influence their buying decision which allows you to increase your profits directly and very quickly, asset cycles take a bit of time.
Do not invest in Gold and Silver if you’re not in it for the long term. Real wealth is created by investing in the right place, at the right time and sitting there until the rest of the world catches up.
I would say that this investment is right for anyone looking to strategically invest money for 5 to 20 years.
2. Grow Money, Not Make Money
There is a natural cycle to wealth, and it works like this: You make money -> you invest money -> your investment makes more money. The common mistake I’ve seen amongst people all around the world in my journey as a coach has been that people match the wrong methods to the wrong point in the journey.
Gold and Silver are not going to “make you money” from nothing, they require an investment. Which means that this method of increasing your abundance comes into play at stage 2. This is where you take the money you’ve created in business, in your work and invest it for further growth.
If you come into Gold and Silver with the mindset of a Billionaire or a wealthy person and look at it from the perspective of growing the money you’ve made from those ventures where you have a direct control of your income, you’ll become fabulously wealth as this all plays out and this transfer happens.
3. Avoid Popular News
What’s been interesting on my journey with this Gold and Silver asset cycle is watching how many people allow themselves to be subject to the doubt creating machine known as “popular media”.
What you’ve got to be aware of is that it is really bad for the “system” if you invest in Gold and Silver and take your money out of the banking system. It’s really really bad for them. Which means they’re doing everything they can to tell you that the banking system is the safest place to store your money.
No one that you know who is wealthy or a Billionaire lets current news and current speculation alter their decisions. Imagine if Steve Jobs had believed that everyone was happy with keyboards on their phones as was the story in popular media at the time, we wouldn’t have iPhones, iPads or anything today.
The key here is to look at the agenda for the person giving you any information. Then make a judgement on whether the numbers make sense and then if what they’re saying makes sense.
The fact is that when you look at the amount of debt the USA is in and you look at the amount of credit debt is circulating in the USA and then you look at the fact that this is backed by nothing except the promise of the value of a $100 note, then you look at what the wealthiest countries and smartest people are doing in the world, the argument for allocating your money into Gold and Silver becomes so clear.
If that all makes sense to you and you can clearly see how the wealthy follow these 3 rules and why you need to follow them on this journey of profiting from Gold & Silver…
The Major Risks
Knowing the major risks with any investment is very important to making a wise decision and allocating your money effectively.
So let’s dive in…
1. Gold and Silver go down
There’s a huge hedge in place here because there’s no way, unlike a stock, that the metals can go to $0.
In-fact there’s even a bigger advantage because as the world inflates it’s way out of debt, the minimum costs for mining Gold and Silver increase very slowly, so there’s always a very real bottom in the price.
2. Gold and Silver go nowhere
The good news here is that while the assets are going nowhere, the “holding in cash” alternative would have definitely been losing you money through inflation. So even though the prices haven’t sky rocketed, you’ll still be keeping your purchasing power.
3. Gold confiscation
While this has happened in the past and is a real risk, with the internationalisation of assets, I think a much better way to do this and more likely, is actually a confiscation directly from the banking system. Which is what has been blueprinted in Cyprus. I don’t think you have to worry about the Government coming to look for Gold, I think the bigger more immediate worry is your bank shutting it’s doors on Friday, not opening for a month and when it finally does open, you have 47% less than you originally had in there.
Make sense to you?
Unlike other investments, only a limited number of things can happen to Gold & Silver, because they’ll never ever go to $0…
The key is, knowing you need to buy Gold & Silver now, buying it the most effective and most profitably way, sticking with the community of people that believe and feel the same way about you when it comes to Gold & Silver and the world and then just understanding the risks…
Combine all of that, with the economic events happening in the world right now and how everything is lining up, if you’re someone busy in their career, busy managing their small business or full time investing looking for where to store your wealth…
Gold & Silver are one of the most effortless decisions for you…
But, the biggest problem I found with Gold & Silver is that the capital is not “working” while you hold the metals…
Sure they’ll protect your wealth against a collapse of the banking system, sure you’ll make money by just holding them when you sell one day…
But what about WHILE holding them?
What if you could generate a cash-flow with Gold & Silver monthly, WHILE waiting for the price of the metals to go up?
So just like real estate, you’re receiving a cash-flow income and benefiting from this huge coming price rise in the metals…
Wouldn’t that be just perfect?
Well, that’s what my number 1 favourite way of investing in Gold & Silver gives you…
And it’s taken 9 years of growth, 9 years of hard work, 9 years of ups and downs and crazy days where those that know my story know I lost $100,000 in 3 days one time perfecting this for you…
And now, after people in 25 countries so far are using this strategy to profit in Gold & Silver, regardless of what happens to the price…
We’ve crossed paths.
And in Section 4, I’m going to let you in further o my favourite strategy to buy.
Continue when you’re ready.
Section 4:
My Favourite Method Of Buying
Now, I want to share with you the power of the my favourite method of buying Gold and Silver.
I want you to see if you’d like to learn how to implement this into your investing and whether you want me to help you do that or not, like I’ve helped all these people and many more around the world…
But we’ll talk about that later, let’s get to the strategy now…
The biggest evidential problem with Gold and Silver is that it’s still dormant capital until you sell…
The money sits there, not earning until you sell your Gold and Silver and cash out…
Unlike Real Estate where you can cash-flow monthly, get an active income on that money while you wait for the asset to go up…
My mission and what we do at Gold And Silver For Life is show investors how hedge funds and the wealthiest people in the world not only buy Gold and Silver but then cash-flow it monthly for a 1% – 2.2% monthly ROI…
The obvious benefit of doing it this way is that while you’re holding your money in Gold and Silver, it’s generating a cash-flow which can then be used to acquire more Gold and Silver…
This means that in addition to the return you’ll make on Gold and Silver going up in value, you’re making 12%-26.4% per year just in the cash-flow…
So your overall return compounded over 10 years projects out to be 1,358% to a massive 4,182% if Gold and Silver go up 3 times over their life cycle…
This is an advanced strategy which we spend hours teaching our clients around the world how to use and it’s impossible for it to be detailed and taught in a short write up…
But when it’s used like I’ve taught to clients now in 25 countries to use, it’s phenomenally powerful…
Especially when you understand that only 3 things can happen when it comes to your Gold and Silver investment:
Scenario #1:
Let’s say Gold & Silver go down, let’s say they go down a LOT, what could that be? Because they’re not going to $0…
Let’s say take Silver’s worst ever annual drop since 1981 which happened in 2013 at 36% down. Let’s say that instead of bouncing up like a market does, Silver drops 36% immediately after you buy it and doesn’t move, never comes back up…
By having the cash-flow element of our strategy making somewhere between 12% – 26.4% per year, you’re looking to be break even and back in pure profit within 1.36 years to 3 years…
That is the power of cash-flow.
After-all, when you buy a £1m property portfolio, the property market goes down 20%, but you’re still making an 8% yield on the portfolio, are you going to sell that asset?
No way, it’s a cash-cow…
Which by the way means if Silver dropped 36% immediately after your purchase, but you continued getting 26.4% per year for 10 years, every $10,000 you invested would still grow a massive 1,358% over 10 years…
Besides, as we’ve seen historically in EVERY dip in EVERY market, asset prices don’t stay down forever and always bounce back up, that’s just how market’s work…
So your ROI will probably be better than that…
Scenario #2:
Gold & Silver go absolutely nowhere, with the monthly cash-flow element added, through simply the power of compounding, every $10,000 of your wealth will grow to $139,413 at my current client average ROI of 2.2% per month…
This means that if America & the FED and all the Central Banks around the world continue to kick the can down the road for another 10 years, you’ll still be making an ROI of 1,394%, while the can get’s kicked…
Scenario #3:
Gold and Silver shoot up like predicted.
This is where it get’s crazy and why I certainly hope that the Guru’s Gold & Silver Fanatics and Doomsday prepper’s are right…
If Gold & Silver go up by this magic amount of 3x (which has simply been plucked out the air by Guru’s, commentators and speculators alike, I mean it could just double or go up 5x, who knows?) but let’s stick with 3x…
Every $10,000 grows into $418,240.86, that’s an ROI of 4,182% over 10 years.
See why this is my favourite method of investing in Gold and Silver?
It removes all the risks from Gold & Silver, allows you to protect your wealth, profit hugely, cash-flow it AND take advantage of the coming wealth transfer…
This, is what I teach.
This, is the mission of Gold And Silver For Life…
I sent a survey a few weeks back to the thousands of people who are NOT clients yet who follow my emails, just to find out where they are in their wealth building…
The results came in and they’re pretty shocking…
See if you can relate because the results were overwhelming….
88% of people said that their current ROI on their investment portfolio averaged over the last 5 years is somewhere between 0-10% per year… and 74% are in the 0-5% category…
With only 1.5% of people saying they’re getting 20%+ per annum with what they’re currently doing…
What’s even more interesting is out of all the busy professionals, small business owners and full time investors that completed the survey, only 3% of people are invested in anything else but real estate and cash…
Which means 97% of people have their wealth relying on real estate or their bank account to secure their wealth and 88% of them make 0-10% per year with the majority making 0-5% per year…
What does this actually mean for your wealth and retirement?
I decided to use a simple online calculator and look at, assuming these 5 year average ROIs continue to come in, what will happen to your money…
You can use this as a great guide to see whether your current ROI is adequate for the dreams and future you see for your money…
Assuming inflation rate of 1.65% (taking the govt published data of 1.7% for the UK and 1.6% for the USA and averaging them)
Here’s how your money looks over the next 20 years taking you to 2024:
At 0% per year – Your $100,000 will be worth $84,672.75 in 2024
At 5% per year – Your $100,000 will be worth $139,028.81 in 2024
At 10% per year – Your $100,000 will be worth $222,991.94 in 2024
Remember, we’re dealing with percentages so you can interchange £/$/€ whichever currency you’re using, the maths are the same…
The question is, is this ROI adequate for trips you want to take, the legacy you want to leave and the quality of life you want to live?
If your answer is “heck no!”, then here’s some rules to help you:
1. Allocate your money smartly for the time. Real estate has been a great investment for a long time, however the demand for real estate now is controlled by the availability of credit, which isn’t available for non cash buyers.
The only way you can have explosive growth is by investing in the right asset class, boosting your ROI with cash-flow and then navigating out and into the next asset cycle… That’s been every Billionaire investors strategy, there’s no reason why yours should be any different.
2. Protect your right to cash-flow everything. People mistakenly think that investing in Gold & Silver or stocks means that you can’t cash-flow and that your money is never working for you until you sell the asset.
That’s completely false and these people haven’t evolved to the times or the strategies the wealthiest investors are using right now to secure their wealth for capital gain in Gold & Silver AND cash-flowing it monthly.
You just have to make sure you don’t put yourself in a position without understanding and coming to terms with the risks that undermines your position to cash-flow…
Currently Gold And Silver For Life Clients are getting 1%-2.2% cash-flow per month on their money, while they wait for Gold & Silver to go up.
That’s smart…
If you know learning this will boost your profit and excel you towards your financial goals faster than just simply owning Gold and Silver bars, make sure you’re on the workshop to learn exactly how to do this.
And I think it’s magic and power is in it’s simplicity and when you’re ready, I can’t wait to bring you into it like I’ve done now for people in 25 countries.
Get ready to profit from this huge opportunity, reliably, consistently, easily…
I can’t wait to see you on the workshop!
We’ve sent all the confirmations to your email, please make sure you’ve received them.

Minesh Bhindi
Gold And Silver For Life LLC
P.S. Like me, if you really want to KNOW 100% what type of investing is right for you, I’d like to welcome you to take the test I gave myself. It’s 13 questions, but by the end you’ll have a powerful clarity about exactly what type of investing is right for you…
Are you willing?
The 13 Questions For Clarity
You see, when considering what investment vehicle, tool, strategy is right for you, there’s a lot of questions that you need to ask.
In this report I’m going to strive to ask you those questions. I’m going to strive to force you to a decision.
I’ve found in my career so far that people who know what they want, clearly, get it.
And those that have no clue what they want, don’t get it, no matter how hard they try, no matter how many programs they buy, no matter how many coaches they get and however many thousands they spend on getting “educated”.
We’ve seen the effects of education without a purpose in the current state of the educational system. Back when young adults were guided to careers and destinations, at-least we had some form of ambition, some vision.
In order for us to do that, it’s vital that you are clear about what you want, focused on the life you want and committed to creating it.
I want to help you identify what your wealth building style is, what you want from life, what environment of investing you feel comfortable in, and many more things. Soon I’m going to ask you 13 questions, at the end you will be 100% clear about what type of investing works for you.
There’s no right, there’s no wrong, investing is a vital part of everyone’s life. Remember, the money you keep is more important than the money you make.
We just need to know what your inner preferred method is so that we can feed it, super charge it and ultimately, you can clearly decide whether what we’re doing over here at Gold And Silver For Life is right for you, or not.
Let’s get started.
Are You Investing For Profit?
Or To Create Comfort?
I believe that when anyone is starting to invest/learning to invest, one of the most important questions should be “Am I investing for profit? Or am I investing to create comfort?”
When you truly answer this you alleviate yourself of the confusing energies which are led by greed and fear.
Once decided, consciously, you’ll find yourself much more aware of the risks involved with the investment and in-fact more than likely your ability to take and handle risks will go up, your ability to make decisions on the fly will shoot up and your ability to respond will become a lot more sharper.
When investing for profit now, you’ll be able to detach from the long term aspect of the investment and make much faster split second decisions. Think about it, if you know you’re logging into your trading account to make a profit, when you don’t see a profit, your action is cut losses and move, it becomes very emotionless, when you make it conscious.
When investing for comfort, you’ll find yourself much more relaxed about the short term fluctuations, you won’t get stressed when the asset goes up or down in price, because upon entry you won’t have placed a very risky position, you’ll know the money invested is there to BE THERE when you need it, overall your actions will become a lot more patient, simple and enjoyable.
This is an essential part of evolving as an investor, consciously deciding the purpose of the investment. You know a funny lesson I learned a long time ago? “An investment is just a trade that went the wrong way!”.
While most people reading this will be able to relate to that, the lesson behind it’s validity is very important. Most people set on path with one intention and then as the market changes they change their own actions in response. The truth is, when you know you’re in it to profit today, when the trade goes the wrong way, you’ll have loss criteria, maybe 5%, when that hits, you’ll be out.
The trade never turns into an investment for a conscious investor.
Similarly when consciously investing for comfort, like a lot of Gold For Life students are, long term comfort for life, they’ll place an investment, manage it monthly and when Silver or Gold start sliding 5-10% they’re not panicking, not rushing to their trading accounts, not receiving calls from brokers, not rushing to get out and into the next shiny object trade, because they’re consciously aware of the purpose of the investment.
Answering this question will immediately also save you a lot of money on education. When you want to learn how to trade for profit today, there is one type of training program, when you want to invest for comfort, there’s a whole different type of training program.
It amazes me to this day how many people want to invest for comfort, go to a seminar, buy a trading for profit now program, go home, spend 6 months, lose 30%+ of their capital only to realise “Oops, this was the wrong thing for me!”.
Why do you think that is? Because they’re not consciously entering the market on day 1.
When you sit down and clearly answer what it is you want, everything else becomes a lot more simpler.
For example, we ask this question when taking applications for any level of Gold And Silver For Life, because we know that this is a comfort investment program, not an adrenaline pumping panic filled trading for profit now program.
This is really one of the main reasons why we have a 92% success rate, because we match the investor to the program, not just let people join because they “think” it’s the one for them.
We actively turn people away from the program, because at their stage in life, they need the Forex or Spread-betting or Day-trading programs that are out there, this investment strategy only serves a certain type of client.
And by my knowledge, we’re the only ones that actually do this analysis, which is why I wrote this post because the last thing I want for you is to go waste thousands on trading/investment training, when with 30 minutes of accurate thought you can decide what is right for you, right for your family, right for your life and right for your goals.
So are you ready? To face your true desire? Are you ready to allow me to help you identify what suits you?
After we know the answer, what you do with it, is totally up to you, my sole goal here is to empower you enough to take precise, clear actions.
Remove all distractions.
When We Ask Our Clients What They Think:
The Questions
1. Am I looking to trade & profit today or invest and live comfortably tomorrow?
2. Am I okay to increase the risk I’m willing to take if I want to trade & profit big today?
3. Am I okay in not profiting huge today, but having a consistent, safe and simple investment growing for me by choosing the investing for comfort route?
4. Am I dependent on this trading strategy to be profitable to maintain the quality of my life?
5. Am I financially okay if this trading account drops 30-40% overnight?
6. Am I okay with leaving this money out of sight and use for 5 years while it grows?
7. Am I okay if within the 5 year period my investment account fluctuates up and down while I hold the asset & generate the cash-flow?
8. Am I okay with always risking 30-60% of my account, for a potential 10% per month return?
9. Am I okay with not making 10% a month, but consistently growing my fund at 1-2.2% per month for the rest of my life?
10. Am I okay with spending the majority of my day monitoring the market and it’s movements?
11. Am I okay with only spending 15-20 minutes per month investing and finding other things to do with my time while my money works?
12. Am I investing to create a pot for me to enjoy life with?
13. Am I investing to leave a legacy and fund for my family in the long term?
Re-ask Q1 and feel the answer come from within: Am I looking to trade & profit today or invest and live comfortably tomorrow? Your thoughts from the start may have changed. Be true to yourself, feel the answer from within.
Was That Powerful?
I asked some people these questions and they were shocked at the results. Spent years concentrating on creating wealth, striving for profit, woke up everyday with dollar signs in their vision…
But all they really want is a comfortable lifestyle. Which requires no stress, requires virtually no risk and is easy to create when you apply certain rules.
We all know people who are doing things in life without answering these questions, firstly share your thoughts in the comments below and then share this post with them and discuss with them what you really want. We all need someone to talk to & discuss these things with.
Last week I talked to a Gold And Silver For Life Student from 2011, who thought “Gold And Silver For Life is too slow for me” because his peer’s were saying “1-2.2% per month is too small” etc etc etc and he actually left to trade Forex & Spread-betting, this year however he’s coming back to Gold And Silver For Life, because he’s built his company, doesn’t want to sit in-front of a computer all day, want’s to travel, live life and realised that while 1-2.2% per month is consistent, since 2011 when he left, percentage wise, he would be up higher on his portfolio today, and he wouldn’t have spent 5 hours a day in-front of a screen, missing his family, sacrificing travel only to risk more and profit maybe. All this time, everything he wanted was right in-front of him, but because he didn’t answer these questions, 1 statement from his peers drove him away for almost 3 years doing what he didn’t want. That by the way is 5 hours a day, lets say 300 days a year, almost 4,500 hours of sitting in-front of a computer, sweating the markets risking more than he wanted, to “hopefully” make a return, 4,500 hours – gone.
This is why you need to get CLEAR before you act on your investments, some people like trading, I don’t. I’m a lifestyle investor. It doesn’t matter, as-long as it’s right for you & what you want. If it’s lifestyle investing for comfort that works for you, boy I’m glad to hear it & I look forward to helping you soon.
See you on the workshop!
Simple to follow with no need to sit in front of technical charts, minimum management time required and a great community with ongoing support.
The whole program is so modular, so easy, so step by step, if I can do it, anyone can do it…
I think support is absolutely crucial, I love and found it absolutely invaluable because I can come on a call with Minesh every week and ask “What do you think I should do? What would you do?”. The point is, there’s always someone you can ask and someone that’s doing it.
I was very clear, I didn’t want to be staring at chart patterns and I would say I spend 2 hours per month in training, actual management and trading, no more than 45 minutes a month.
What I can say is that this has worked, worked very easily, very simply and very quickly.
To recover your costs within 3 months and be in profit ongoing from there, I think is pretty good.
I’d absolutely say to someone just go ahead and apply to join us…”
– Robert Whyte, UK
Gold And Silver For Life Client Since 2011
It takes only 6 hours to learn and we have people from all ages, all backgrounds and all experiences profiting with this. It takes only 20 minutes a month to manage and turns Gold & Silver into active income generating assets.
Every client gets access to a weekly Q&A call with Minesh personally to discuss the market and their options. There’s no charge and no limit to the number of calls you can attend. We still have clients attending from 2010 (when they first launched).
To protect your purchasing power and position your wealth for growth in the next 5-20 years
To increase the return you’ll get rather than just buying brick’s bar’s and coin’s.
Your portfolio so that the next financial crisis, wherever it may come from, will only affect you and your family positively.
Things change, markets change, so we don’t like to give return “predictions”. However for demonstration purposes only, assuming a 3x rise (moderate given the facts) in Gold & Silver plus the 1% to 2.2% per month cash-flow here’s how your money would grow compared to a standard brick, bar or coin investment over 10 years:
The FDIC insurance fund holds $25bn to cover $9,283bn of deposits. That’s 0.2% of your savings left for you if your bank goes bust. And there is no law that requires the government to fund the insurance scheme if it goes bust. The numbers are shockingly similar for all deposit protection schemes internationally.
This historic cycle shows that on average every 38 years Paper Money devalues fast and Gold sky-rockets in value. The current form of the US Dollar has been in existence now for 44 years. If history is right, all paper money is about to be devalued, and it’s going to be huge.
ShadowStats reveals that real inflation is at 9.6% using the calculation methods prior to 1980. If you’re not set up to make 10% a year, you’re going backwards in terms of quality of life.
When all these core’s are active, your wealth building turns into a very automatic process, gains momentum, speeds up and soon is just as easy as breathing, the only question is, what’s the right asset class?
For those who are not ready to become a client yet, Minesh recorded a 23 minute training, inspired by guidance he gave to one of his best friend’s when she was finally earning good money and wanted a safe, simple to manage, monthly investment plan.
This training can and will help you even if you’re starting with just $50 a month. It’s totally free and in our opinion, is the ultimate starting guide for those new to investing in Gold & Silver.